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Amazing Cars Auto Manufacturing Press Release

Amazing Cars is all about diversity


June 18, 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Amazing Cars has announced that the company will implement important actions to get a more diverse and inclusive workforce. This will result in sustainably improving the value chain of the company and create more opportunities for women and under-represented groups.   


Plan of action

Marie Kleinepier, COO of Amazing Cars, explained, “Nowadays, it is important to recognize the full potential of people and give them an ability to take important chances for their development. We want to embrace diversity in our society and that everyone has an opportunity to explore their talent.”


Amazing Cars’ planned actions:

  • Conducting an audit pay to discover any pay disparities in the organization. These then will be corrected. Additionally, the system will be adjusted to prevent to tackle the root cause and prevent this from happening again.  

  • Making the working hours more flexible for employees to schedule. 

  • Creating an inclusive job description to recruit more people from different backgrounds.


Marie Kleinepier is convinced that these commitments will strengthen the value chain and makes the work floor more equal. “Amazing Cars is all about a bigger, better, and brighter future for everyone. We want to provide a place where people can thrive” Amazing cars want to integrate the sustainability goals set by the United Nations into their company. And in this specific case, three goals are kept in mind. Gender equality, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequalities. 


The importance

Although equality problems exist on a global scale, it is important to begin the change with yourself. By conducting an audit pay, the gender pay gap will be closing at Amazing Cars. The benefit of this is that it increases economic independence and bargaining power for women. Study also shows that increasing a woman’s salary means that more money will go to their children’s development (O’Donnell, 2020). Development for women is a huge part of social and economic equality.

By offering flexible working hours, it becomes easier for employees to combine their work and private life at home. Ideal for young families to spend more time with their children, but also for people who are still studying besides their work.  The company believes that this will attract a new group of potential employees that was very difficult to reach before. This is one way to create a diverse workgroup.

At last, creating an inclusive job description will attract more people to apply from various backgrounds. This is done by not using gender-coded words and using inclusive language. The work floor will become more creative from the different perspectives that can be brought in, but also not to forget, to give underrepresented people a place to shine. 



Contact us at:

Address: Posthumalaan 120, 3072 AG, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Opening Hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00am-6.00pm & Sat: 10.00am-5.00pm

Phone: 06 – 27 15 93 05






O’Donnell , M. (2020, September 16). Closing Gender Pay Gaps. Center for Global Development | Ideas to Action.

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