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5 Festival Must Haves

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

There are plenty of things you can bring to a festival, but some items are more useful then others. Being part of the festival community of the harder styles for a little over two seasons now, has really shown me what items are useful and what items I once brought but didn't end up using. I have made a list for you, so that you can be as prepared as can be! So here are my top 5 items you must bring to a festival!


1. Earplugs

The most important must haves are earplugs! Really, please protect your ears. It does not matter what kind of festival you're at, it being harder styles or more electric, the music is always blasting. Personally, I have always worn party plugs and my ears never ring afterwards. I put them in right as I enter and don't take them out until I'm leaving the festival. Of course you could take them out when eating or when you're not close to the speakers to let your ears "breath", but please please please wear them when coming close to a stage.

There are a lot of different types of earplugs on the market. I have always used the Alpine PartyPlugs, they work really well for people with small ears, like me haha. But some of my friends use the Loop ones and are really happy with them. Eventually, I'm thinking of getting custom made ones, that should fit perfectly but for now, I will keep using the ones I have.

Also, if you do forget your earplugs don't worry; usually you can also buy them at the festival. However, this will become more expensive if you keep forgetting them!


2. "PartyDop"

Usually at festivals they take the cap off of your bottled drink, annoying I know. Why they do it is also questionable but we all have to deal with it. Sometimes you score with your bartender and they forget to take the cap off or if you ask they will let it slide. Although those are my favourites, not all bartenders are like that and they actually obey the rules. The invention of the century in this case is a "partydop", universal caps that go on most (water)bottles.

They aren't that expensive but they are very useful. This way your bottled drink doesn't get spilled while enjoying yourself and you can enjoy the whole drink. Although I have categorised them as a must have, they do tend to get lost easily when not used correctly. The ones I have are made of a rubber material and I have lost a couple when bumping into people when they weren't on my drink correctly. So make sure you push them down all the way! And also, I would bring maybe 1 or 2 in case you lose one of them, as these are not usually sold on the festival grounds.


3. Hand Fan

Another must have is a hand fan, really get one. It being an outdoor or indoor festival doesn't matter, it will always be hot. Unless you're in the Netherlands, then you'll never know haha. But most outdoor festivals are during the spring and summer, when it can get quite hot. Using a fan to cool down is really an invention in this case. Same for indoor festivals, cooling down from time to time is important! I wouldn't spend a lot of money on them tho, as they tend to break quite often, couldn't tell you why but they just do. Usually the festival will also sell them as merchandise but they will be a little pricy.

I have brought one to almost every festival I have gone to, and even if I didn't use it some of my friends or some stranger has. So really an essential! A tip, when its really hot, put some water on your skin first and then start fanning, it will feel cooler ;)


4. Fanny Pack

But where are you going to store all of these must haves while being on the festival grounds? You don't want to walk back to the lockers every time you need and item, so therefore I would suggest bringing a fanny pack. These small but usually spacious bags are perfect for bringing with you. You could even share one with someone, that's what I always do. The one I have, has one main compartment where I dump all the essentials, and then one smaller one where I stash all my tokens and other small miscellaneous items.

There are various versions available online, in various price ranges. I would suggest to find the best one that fits your needs, and price range. For example, there are ones where you can also attached a bottled drink to but also just simple ones with just one compartment. But a fanny pack is more comfortable then a small shoulder bag, I can tell you from experience. With my shoulder bag I was always concerned it would fly open or that someone would take something out, but since I started using the fanny pack, alle these problems faded since its usually cross bodied and much better secured.


5. Reusable Foldable Water Bottle

And last, but not least, a reusable foldable water bottle. This may sound a little confusing but I just mean one of those water sacks. I didn't have one before this summer, but now that I have one I am in love and will keep bringing it! Most festivals will have water stations or you can just drink the water from the fosset. Here you can just refill the bottle unlimited, which is amazing. Why would you want to pay at least 1.5 tokens when you can bring your own water bottle? I see this as a win-win situation haha.

Some festivals sell them at the water stations, which is where mine is from but I think you can also get some online. Just make sure it is empty when going through the security because I'm not sure if they allow you in with a full one. Mine also has one of those hooks, so I can hook it on to my jeans or fanny pack and I do recommend this! Holding it is too much work and can get annoying haha.


So these are my festival must haves! I hope you think of some of these items next time you go and that they will contribute to the best festival experience possible! Do you have any essentials that I did not list? Please put them in the comments!

Thank you for reading and see you in the next one!

xx Myrthe


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1 Comment

Tess Bastemeijer
Tess Bastemeijer
Oct 25, 2023

Wow what an amazing blog! I would love to read more about your festival interests. X Tess

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