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My 2023 Festival Season: A Mid-Year Recap

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

A new year, a new festival season. I was able to visit some wonderful parties and festivals again this year, and oh, how I enjoyed it again! It flew by again! This year I tried some new events and some returning ones from last year. Once again I have sometimes thrown myself into the deep end, but hey, this is how you definitely find out what you like. Curious about this year's parties & my experiences? Then read on!

Loudness - March 2023

The first party of the year and one focused on my favorite style so far, raw. This festival is also back, the last edition was in 2019. Another great thing about this party was that it was in the RTM Stage, so it was nice and easy to travel to, which is also nice. It started at 1:00 PM, but I didn't go until 3:30 PM because otherwise I think it would be very long haha. Fortunately, when we arrived there was not a long line at the entrance and we were able to walk straight through. After arranging a locker & coins - which was a pain in the ass - I got some Stelz and went inside. It wasn't sold out, so there was still quite a lot of room at the back. I often prefer to be at the back, because there you can still function a bit instead of being oppressed.

This edition of Loudness had the theme of "EXTREME RAW BATTLES", which means that two artists always perform against and with each other. I have to say that I normally like this, you also see this at the larger festivals I have been to. This time I just liked it a little less. You noticed that the couples played together less often and therefore there were more silences in between. At some point you got used to it, but at first I found it a bit annoying. There was also a lot of hard techno played this time, which was a strange twist, but I didn't find it annoying or anything.

The range of food wasn't very wide once we found it. A separate room had been made for food, but I completely missed that when I entered. Luckily we found it and I ate a delicious frikandel sandwich with mayonnaise & a slice of margherita pizza. I think the only downside was that it was quite chilly in the room and just very cold in the hall where the lockers were located. On the other hand, normally it is sickeningly hot, but if I may give a tip, choose the middle path next time haha.

Overall, I had fun with my friends and just the experience of the returned festival. I don't know if I would go again any time soon but it's a fun festival to attend every once in awhile. The tickets also weren’t that expensieve, so love that haha! I would definitely recommend this festival if you just started listening this type of music!

Revenge - March 2023

Not even a week ago I was at Loudness, but this week we went to Revenge. Another festival nice and close to home, namely in Club Now&Wow. This was also the first time I went to this festival, so it was also the first time I attended an uptempo party. At the larger festivals there is always an uptempo stage and we will take a look at that, but then there is still some variety. Not at all with Revenge haha, because it is all about uptempo.

We went a little later in the day because it would otherwise be very intense, and we also left a little earlier. I don't think I would have lasted any longer, because it was the first time and I think otherwise the fun would be gone. Have to say, it didn't help that I wasn't feeling great that day.

I actually bought my ticket for one specific artist, Jur Terrur. You might recognize this name from the previous festival overview haha. When we first arrived and were standing in line for something to eat, I already saw him so we had a quick chat. I told him that I had bought a ticket especially for him, he jokingly said that it was a bit of a strain, but oh, it was 100% worth my money. We were right at the front, and he did a great job. Thoroughly enjoyed! After his set we talked to him for a while and we all said how well he performed.

In addition to Jur, there were of course also many other artists, such as Juliëx & The Dark Horror. Both sets were really good. Unfortunately it was really extremely hot during Juliëx haha. Also, some crazy dude thought it was a good idea to spit up some bile, full on the floor, which was a really pleasant sight, not haha. Speaking of which, there are certainly interesting characters who come to these kinds of parties, which was fun to see. Enjoy people watching while enjoying the fun and the music.

I feel like I would go again, but next time I hope I will feel better haha. I loved the atmosphere and had fun with my friends! Not going the whole time was also the best decision I made that day, so I would probably do the same next time. I believe there is another edition this November, but I do not have tickets (yet haha), but I wanted to get this mid-year review up for you guys!

Supersized Kingsday - April 2022

It's that time again, our king's birthday! So nice to have an extra day off haha. Just like last year, I was at Supersized Kingsday with the besties. Last year we had a slightly larger group, this year there was a bit of a hassle with transport.

Just like last year, it was on the Aquabest site in Best and it had exactly the same floor plan, so that was nice. So we immediately knew where all the stages were and how to get there. The line-up was of course already known in advance, which looked really great, but unfortunately we were caught by the timetable. All the nice sets that we wanted to see were often at the same time, so that was either half and half or making choices. Sometimes these choices were not very difficult, because there is a new trend going on that my boyfriend & I are not quite fans of yet, namely the "zaag kicks". Horrible! But hey, maybe we'll get used to it (future Myrthe here, I have, he hasn't haha). The atmosphere was great between the four of us and the king's birthday was certainly well celebrated with the consequences the next day ;). Because of the timetable there was a lot of pushing and pulling all day long, but after a few delicious stëlz's it became a little less annoying haha. All in all, I had a great time, saw some great artists that I may never have heard live and had a great day. Thanks for sharing your birthday with the whole of the Netherlands, Willem!

And just like last year, we were eligible for the early bird ticket sale, and the tickets for next year have already been secured! I guess that shows how much we like this festival haha. The hotel for next year has also been booked, we just need to wait for the day to arrive haha. I would also recommend this festival if you're just starting out listening to this kind of music, as there are a lot of stages. And there are also some area's where the music is not so loud, if you need to catch a break. The food is also great haha.


So, this was the first part of my yearly recap. I decided to do two this year because there have been some that need a whole lot of experience explaining haha. This was kind of the pre-season haha. I hope you liked it, nevertheless! If you want to read more about this year, stay tuned. Festivals such as Intents, DEFQON & Supremacy will for sure be featured in the next recap, and maybe even more ;) See you in the next one!

xx Myrthe

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