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5 Things to Bring to a Day Festival

Updated: Nov 9, 2023

Packing for a day festival can be a challengng task, you don't want to bring too much but also not too little. So, what should you bring? There are endless of things you can bring, and luckily you can always stash these items away in the lockers. Besides the 5 Must Haves I talked about, here are 5 other things that will make your festival experience even better!

1. Tissues

You might be a little confused by this one, if you don't have a runny nose or anything but especially being a girl this has helped me so many times! I don't really use them to blow my nose or anything but I use them whenever there is no toilet pape. So, yes, I'm technically bringing my own toilet paper but it really does come in handy. I've had multiple times that there wasn't any toilet paper left in the stall (very annoying, I know), but because I brought these with me I felt a lot more clean after my bathroom brake.

This is an item I usually bring more of. I usually stuff one packet in my little fanny pack and one in the seperate bag in the locker. You never know if there will be enough toilet paper, but I like to be prepared haha. Also, this is not only meant for girls, it can be usefull for men too, but don't het me wrong; this is just something a lot of girls can struggle with while being on the festival grounds.

2. Hand Sanitizer

We all know the feeling, there being a huge line to wash your hands and when it's finally your turn they're out of soap.. Another very annoying thing that can happen at festivals. The organization always tries their best and I'm sure they do buy a lot of soap, but unfortunately it's never enough. Therefore always always bring hand sanitizer! Ever since I've been bringing this, I don't even put in the effort to wait in line, I just quickly run out, use my hand sanitizer and keep on having a great day haha.

You can get the ones that can be hung on the outside of your fanny pack, but I usually have a normal one that I stuff inside my bag. You'll also become the person you're friends "admire" the most because they all will want to use some haha.

3. Sunglasses

I would suggest bringing some sort of sunglasses, it being a outdoor or an indoor festival. During summer and outdoor festival season you probably thought of this yourself, since on the perfect day the sun will be shining haha. But even when it gets dark out, I would suggest keeping them on you instead of putting them in your locker. It's for the same reason I suggest bringing them to an indoor festival: the lights, specifically the lasers.

Most festivals love to use a bunch of lights and lasers to create the most spectacular and beautiful light show, all fun and games untill the light/laser keeps shining in your eye and you go blind. Don't get me wronf, I love the light shows, but every once in a while the ligths become too much and I enjoy them through my sunglasses. Another benefit, it can help reduce headaches since you're dimming the brightness (not scientifically proven, but just personal experience).

4. Change of Clothes

Whenever I go to a festival I always like to dress fun, not anything crazy but just a cute crop top and a nice pair of jeans or shorts. But at some point I'll get cold or don't feel comfortable anymore and that's where the change of clothes come in haha. I like to always have something to fall back on in case of any circumstance. The items I always bring are:

  • Sweatpants & Hoodie

  • Shirt

Even on the way home from the festival grounds I like to be comfortable so I just do a quick change. Sometimes I don't use the clothes but I keep bringing them just in case, because I know that the day will come I decide to not bring them and then something happens to my outfit or I don't feel comfy haha. I just shove these in a seperate bag and keep them in the locker.

5. Portable Charger

I will say, I don't always bring this but my friends do and when necesarry I can always borrow theirs, but portable chargers do come in handy from time to time. Imagine your favorite artist is playing and you want to video the moment but your phone is dead or you've had a great day and are ready to leave but you can't reach anyone or look at Google Maps because your phone died. Both are scenario's nobody wants to experience, therefore I do suggest bringing one. Or as I mentioned, borrow a friends when needed.

Whenever I bring one I just keep it in the extra bag in the locker and keep it in there untill I need it. Most of the time I don't really need it because I like to live in the moment and not be on my phone all the time, but just in case I need one, I'll have one.


There are a lot of other things I can think of, but these are the five things I reach for first whenever I start packing my bags to leave. Additionally, I'll take my 5 Must Haves and I go on to have the best day at the festival grounds, prepared for everything!

I hope this helped you figure out what to bring! Did I miss one of your favorite items? Please let me know in the comments and maybe you can help me! Have fun at your next festival!

xx Myrthe


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